
Monday, June 30, 2008

Spain wins Euro 2008 Finals over Germany 1-0

The Spanish team celebrates after winning the Euro 2008 Championship over Germany
(AP Photo/Bernat Armangue)

Looks like my prediction didn't go my way this time. Germany lost to Spain in the Euro 2008 Finals. If I was involved in a real bet for that match, for sure I would've lost a lot of money. Thank goodness I'm not a gambler and I didn't get into such betting. And all it was one simple Goal for the Spaniards to win it all.

"Ouch" would be a good understatement for Germany at the moment.

The underdogs proved to be much hungrier for the title than the Germans. I know the Germans are obviously hurting from the loss but kudos to Germany, too. At least, it took their opponents the whole freaking game to score one measly goal. Much like the NBA's Boston Celtics, the Spaniards have waited a hell of a long time to get some redemption and win the Euro championship again since 1964. Their home country must be having a huge fiesta right now.

But like I said in my previous post about this topic, I wanted both teams to win. It was somewhat a win-win situation for me. Although I did made a prediction for Germany to win, it's still all good. It could go either way, you know.

The Spaniard were on a roll right from the very start of the tournament. They took out World Cup Champs Italy, then Russia in the semis. And now, it was the Germans turn to taste defeat at the hands of the Spaniards.

Captain Michael Ballack did manage to play in the Finals but he was a non factor for Germany. With or without Ballack in the game, no problem for Spain. It simply didn't matter to the Spaniards and getting the job done is all that matters. Spain was the better team. They deserved the win.

The Germans however, will remember their 1-0 loss to the Spaniards in the Euro 2008 Finals.

On that note, I guess the Spaniards could now perhaps paraphrase the words I used in my last post:

"Sorry Germany. Nothing personal. No hard feelings..."

Germany vs. Spain for the Euro 2008 Finals

Germany will have to get it done with or without their Captain Michael Ballack
in the Euro 2008 Finals against Spain.
(AP Photo/Frank Augstein)

This just interesting. I haven't been able to catch the Euro 2008 matches for some obvious reasons and one of them is the schedule of the games. Not all matches are aired live on cable. The most important matches can only be viewed on some select establishments.

It just doesn't matter right now. Two of my favorite teams, Germany and Spain are in the Euro 2008 Finals. I'm just stoked on that one but the problem is I have to root for one team only. It's always hard two of your fave teams go at it for the championship.

Both teams haven't reached the Euro finals in a long time. For Germany, the last time was 1996 while Spain's last appearance was in 1964. These two teams are just hungry for a Euro Championship. And these two teams just couldn't wait for the championship to start. I'm gonna have so much fun watching this match.

The Good News for the Germans is: They are in the finals.

The Bad News for the Germans is: Capt. Michael Ballack is doubtful with a calf injury.

The Good News for the Spaniards is: They are the favorites to win the championship.

The Bad News for the Spaniards is: Germany is also the favorite to win the Euro 2008.

In my opinion, these two teams have very contrasting styles in terms of strategies. Both teams have their version of the Big 3 akin to the NBA's Boston Celtics and LA Lakers.

The team who's gonna win it all would all come down on who's hungrier for the title. This going to be another classic match in the making. It's going to be a very tight game. I want both teams to win but if all comes down to which team I'm gonna bet my money on, I'd put my money on Germany.

Sorry Spain. No hard feelings...

Sunday, June 29, 2008

It's lucky number 4 for Pacman. KO's Diaz for WBC Lightweight Championship

Manny Pacquiao wins WBC Lightweight Championship as the only
Asian to win four titles in four different weight classes.
(AP Photo/Eric Jamison)

He's done it again. Yup, he beat David Diaz for the WBC Lightweight Championship. Yet another Mexican to put on his list of victims in the process. Adding more insult to injury, well literally, Pacman took Diaz's most prized possession via a KO in 9 rounds.

I didn't watch the fight on PPV but rather on local TV in a
via-satellite-super-delayed-so-full-off-commercials telecast. I didn't have enough dinero to watch it live at a movie theater near my place but it's still fine. It was still a good match in my book. As I've said before, I'm not an expert when it comes to boxing though I have some knowledge about the sport.

Time now for the run-down on how he won his new title.

Round 1

Obviously, it was the let-me-read-his-moves-while-he-reads-mine kind of thing in the first round. Both fighters trying to react on each of the punches they throw. As I was watching it, Manny was already trying to get aggressive in the middle of the round. Seemed like he was comfortable already being a lightweight. One proof of that is his speed. David Diaz may presumed that Manny Pacquiao will slowdown because of his added weight although Diaz bulkier than Pacquiao. Or so he thought. Diaz trying to get into an offensive groove, Pacquiao however, already had a head start. He was already getting busy his four punch combos on Diaz. In other words, Pacman won the first round.

Round 2

Diaz was now feeling it at the start of the round. He was now able to keep up with Pacman as he traded punches and combos with him for a while. Unfortunately for Diaz, there was no sign of letting up for Manny. He was still able to counter every punch Diaz threw and we was caught by a wonderful surprise from Pacquiao. He got acquainted with Manny's right hook followed by his 5 combo buddies and he sure had Diaz by "hello" so to speak. David Diaz was now feeling Pacquiao's hard blows.

Round 3

This was the round made the fight interesting in my opinion. David Diaz was now shaking of the cobwebs from the right-hook he got from Pacquiao in the second round. There some fire lit in his eyes a little bit. He gave Pacquiao some good jabs in the beginning of the round. Pacquiao answered with some jabs of his own and another right hook. I think Pacman was getting a hang of using his right more often. Diaz was able to counter but Manny was still working him. He gave him four punch combos more to Diaz's head. Pacman was just toying with him. Diaz got a cut on the bridge of his nose after receiving a hard right hook from Pacquiao. They got tangled up for a second buying Diaz some time but it didn't matter. I think Diaz was already beat in this round. He got a little bit of redemption when he landed a good hook to the body of Pacquiao but it wasn't enough to keep up the scorecard.

Round 4

David Diaz was already roughed up. At the start of the round, he was already feeling the effects of his cut in the bridge of his nose. Pacman was now even more aggressive. Manny obviously gonna take advantage of Diaz's situation. Manny started his attack with a jab on Diaz as he counters Pacquiao with some hooks to the body and head of Manny. Pacquiao answers with a hard left, thus stunning Diaz in the process. Then he gave another thunderous left to Diaz. That hard left gave Diaz a nasty cut in his right eye. The ref had to halt the match for a brief moment checking the cut. He was still good to go. The match continues. Diaz will soon feel the effects of his cut before the round ends. Pacquiao simply took advantage of the slightly weakened Diaz. He gave him some more blows but Diaz still trading blows with Pacman but he was on the receiving end of yet another hook by Manny.

Round 5

Manny Pacquiao was obviously smelling blood. I could tell Manny wants to put Diaz away in this round. Manny was still working on Diaz's right eye but he just wouldn't go away. A few punches from Pacquiao after that, there was now blood coming out of David's right eye. Diaz would still fight even with a really nasty gash and would soon take a toll on Diaz. Pacman gave him more combos but Diaz would answer back with a well-executed right on Pacquiao. He would receive a good ol' three punch combo from Pacquiao before the bell rang.

Round 6

I could sense Manny's frustration at the beginning of this round. He wanted to put Diaz down the canvass already late in the 5th round but Diaz was already fighting with pride. That was the only thing that's keeping Diaz in the fight. David Diaz's resiliency is something to be taken notice. That was crystal clear for Pacquiao while simply dominating Diaz. He seemed a little relaxed though but the sight of Diaz's gash was just not a good sight to see. Half of his face was scarlet red already. Diaz was still able to throw good punches though. They got tangled up in the middle of the ring. Diaz throw a little cheap shot behind Manny's head. The ref gave Diaz a warning for that little cheap deep but he didn't care. Manny just answered him with a nice left in Diaz's head. They would still trade blows. Manny was just too quick for him. Diaz was virtually turned into a human punching bag. He gave a hard to Diaz before the end of the round.

Round 7

Diaz was totally in bad shape. He was still fighting with blood on his face. Damn, he just wouldn't go away that easy. There was a lot of frustration for both fighters though in this round. It got kind of out of hand for a bit. Mr. referee gave both of them warnings for that foul play, so to speak. The match continues anyway. Diaz was just fighting with heart alone. He was already having a hard time with Pacquiao's quickness and was too aggressive.

Round 8

This was the round that Diaz was already losing his footwork. It was clear that he was totally beat up by Pacquiao but was still standing tall. Talk about resiliency. There were already blood stains in his trunks. Diaz was just throwing punches on Pacquiao hoping it lands on him. The punches were landing on Diaz instead courtesy of Pacquiao. It was gonna be over soon for Diaz.

Round 9

I could almost feel sorry for Diaz. His face was really messed up. His face almost covered with blood already. Pacquiao was still toying with Diaz for 2 minutes just waiting for the right time to go for the kill. Diaz game was off, obviously. He was trying to avoid Manny's offensive onslaught but it was all for nothing. He was still able to throw some punches on Pacquiao but he easily blocked them. Pacquiao gave a hard left on Diaz. I thought that punch was gonna be it for him. When his head sort of snapped back after that left, that didn't look like pretty sight. With just 37 ticks left in 9th round, it was finally lights out for Diaz. Pacman's right straight or hook (I can't remember, it happened too fast) that did it. The same right hand that made Diaz fall smack face first in the canvass. The ref didn't bother counting, Manny Pacquiao wins the match via KO. Pacman is now the new WBC Lightweight Champion and made history as the first Asian to win 4 titles in 4 different weight divisions! Manny even checked Diaz if was ok. He obviously seeing stars still it took Diaz a while to finally come to and get up. What a match!

I only got two words to describe Pacquiao's fight against Diaz, TOTAL DOMINATION!
No! Scratch that, Pacman OWNED Diaz!!!

Pacquiao's Trainer/Coach Freddie Roach was right all along. He knew Manny can knock out Diaz. Nobody can not doubt what he has done to mold Pacman to what he is today. He simply has great confidence with his prized fighter.

The Pacquiao OWNAGE on Diaz.
(AP Photo/Isaac Brekken)

He completely dominated David Diaz from the very beginning to the end. For Pacman, move to a new weight class, no problem. He proved his critics yet again. Another victory for the Philippines. It just makes me so proud of being pinoy even more.

If the match was so damn good to watch, the locker room celebration was even better. Manny is so damn lucky the 2008 NBA Champs Boston Celtics watched Pacquiao's fight and celebrated with him. It just made me drool with envy. Seeing Pacman having his picture taken with KG and the rest of the Celtics makes wanna wish I was Manny. That was just dope. That made his victory even sweeter. Who'da thunk it? I think every pinoy would want to become Manny right now because of that sheer prestige and popularity.

Manny Pacquiao winning the Lightweight Championship and making history proved to the whole world that Filipinos can dominate a sport. He made every Filipino proud. What's next for Pacquiao? Celebrating his victory here in the Philippines, of course! Well besides that, he wants to fight at 140 lbs.

But there's talk that he would be retiring soon.

I think he can still fight, well at least, before he hits 30. If that is the case, he should fight in really good matches before he does hang up his boots. I sure hope the next few fights would be memorable.

With that said, Manny Pacquiao vs. Oscar Dela Hoya anyone?

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

A Dean inspired me to write

An undated photo of the writer with "The Dean" Quinito Henson.

I've been an artist since I discovered my talent/gift in drawing at age 10. From that day I started doodling, I then wanted to become a comic book artist. When I reached college, I would soon discover that I have another talent that I didn't realize I had it in me.

All it took was stumbling upon a sports column of a leading newspaper. Then I recognized the writer's name and photo on the column. It was the same person who was on a program years ago that aired NBA games on local TV dubbed as "NBA on GMA." And that person was non other than "The Dean" Quinito Henson.

One of the most respected sports analysts in the country, he was given that moniker for his great knowledge in sports. As a journalist, his most popular subjects he writes are on basketball and boxing.

I was fascinated on how he wrote stories about the NBA. Back then, my family was subscribed to the newspaper publication he was writing for. My parents noticed that I wasn't just reading the comics page, I was already reading the sports section. I've always been a fan of basketball but that somewhat started a spark in wanting to be more passionate about it. Since then, it became a daily habit and I couldn't wait to read Mr. Henson's next article in his column "Sporting Chance."

One day, I chanced upon an ad of Grant Hill's upcoming visit in Manila while reading the sports section. It was actually around 1997, if I recall correctly, that was Hill's first visit here in the country at the time. Grant Hill was then playing for the Detroit Pistons. I was so excited of having a rare opportunity to meet an NBA player in the flesh. Good thing the ad printed the schedule of events of his visit in the country. Thanks to some PR at the Fila boutique in Glorietta back then, They told me the hotel Grant Hill will be staying in.

Days before the event, I prepared for his visit, I did an artwork of Grant Hill and I was lucky enough to own a pair of Grant Hill's kicks. The joy of having finished the artwork was priceless and I realized it was the only way of getting Grant Hill's rare autograph on my kicks. I couldn't let the opportunity pass, of course.

The big day came. I left my house early on a Sunday morning and headed straight to Makati. As soon as I got there, I walked all the way to his hotel and noticed the security wasn't all that tight. It was breeze getting in. I then proceeded to the 2nd floor where the conference room was I believe. To my surprise, I wasn't the only one waiting for him there in hallway. There was some fans of his there, too.

Some people noticed the artwork I had with me. I then sat on a couch adjacent to the hallway and hotel's lift. Someone finally asked me about my artwork. I then told her that as artwork of G-Hill and I was gonna give it to him and have him sign my kicks, I showed her my GH sneakers, of course. I was glad she liked my work. And she wasn't the only one who noticed my gift for G-Hill.

I ran into sports media personalities Chino Trinidad and Anthony Suntay. They used to host a defunct magazine show of the PBA called "Hot Stuff" and they glanced upon my framed piece of art. I told them I was gonna give it to Grant Hill and I wanted his autograph on my kicks. They were raving how dope my artwork was and that it was a unique way of getting his autograph. I thanked them for their awesome compliments.

Then I saw Grant Hill's dad Calvin Hill who played for NFL's Dallas Cowboys somewhere in the hallway. Some people were lining up to get his autograph. I hesitated at first on getting his autograph but then I figured it would get his dad (Calvin Hill) on shoe and Grant Hill on the other. The plan went well. Minutes later, G-Hill was spotted walking in to the elevator. The fans ran to take a glance at the NBA player. I was glad I saw him from about 6 feet away but I wasn't to get close to him. Some were lucky enough to got close to him and got his autograph. I didn't lose hope after that.

I bumped into Fila Executive Silvano Merlatto (I hope I got his name right. I forgot were I kept the calling card he gave me years ago) and I told him I wanted to give my artwork and have his autograph on my GH shoe. He said he couldn't guarantee the chances of me giving my stuff to him personally but he can guarantee that my artwork can reach G-Hill and have my shoe autographed. So I handed to him my artwork and shoe to the executive and told me to wait for him in the lobby near the hallway. I figured I could trust him and waited for him.

As I was walking along the hallway, I saw a tall man in a suit talking to another media guy. I went closer and checked who it was. My eyes popped when I found out who it was. That tall man wearing a nice suit was "The Dean" himself, Mr. Quinito Henson. The opportunity of finally meeting the columnist that gave me a reason love sports was right in front of me. I walked up to him and introduced myself and told him I'm a fan of his work. I didn't have a camera with me at the time but lucky for me, there was a nice photographer who took of a photo me with Mr. Henson.

After the rare snapshot, we said our good byes as he left and went downstairs. The nice photographer asked for my address and told me he'd mail me the photo as soon as it was developed. I then thanked the photographer and looked forward for the photo (see image above the article). "The Dean" was a very nice person after all. He didn't mind having a short chat and photo op with a kid like me at the time.

Minutes later, Mr. Merlatto informed me of the good news that G-Hill loved my artwork and lo and behold, the other shoe of my GH kicks was finally signed. I was so happy my mission was finally accomplished. My kicks looked more dope than ever. Days later, there was a mail for me and I finally got the photo I so waited for.

Years later I would lose the GH kicks signed by both C-Hill and G-Hill as I wasn't able to preserved my precious pair of sneakers and I didn't even take a picture of it when it was signed at the time. Camera phones weren't available in the market at the time and being not so familiar about shoe care and maintenance, the sneakers didn't last that long. Since my sneakers were signed I never wore them again. The only memory I have of that even was the photo me and "The Dean." But the experience with Mr. Henson will never be forgotten thus the dream of wanting to be like him soon began.

I first college I attended right after high school didn't have a school publication. So I transferred to a university to continue my studies there and hoped write for a student publication bet never got the opportunity. Then went to an international school that already offers college courses and it wasn't that far from where I live.

The school already had a student publication for elementary and high school but the college department didn't have one yet. Fortunately, the college department then decided to put up a student publication. The dream of finally fulfilling the dream of writing for a publication was already at hand.

I became one of the first members and founders of "The Collegiate Mover" but I started my published my first article on the second issue. The Editor-in-Chief forgot to contact during the summer break and the I wasn't able to do an article on the first issue. Having my first article published was awesome. Seeing my name in the editorial staff box as a sports editor and head artist was even more dope. Then the rest was all history.

I honed my skills in that international college for almost 4 years and it was definitely a learning experience for me. Since then, writing about sports become my passion, pride and joy. The road to becoming like my idol Mr. Quinito Henson was realized.

As I type this, I still dream of writing for a well-known newspaper/magazine publication. I started blogging 3 years ago but I just started blogging about sports just a week ago. I'm more comfortable writing about sports rather than other topics like politics, business, features, to name a few. Basketball is something I can write about in my sleep. Ok, so maybe that's pushing it a little bit, but it's the only thing I love to write about.

I know it's going to be a long shot and I have a lot to learn to be as good "The Dean" but I'll work and use that as an inspiration. Of course, becoming one of the top comic book artists in the Philippines is not off my list. That is my first love, so to speak. Wanting to become a writer is a different story. I love both writing and drawing but my passion is more into writing. And that dream of making a mark in a newspaper/magazine publication has yet to be fulfilled.

Thanks to the internet and the power of 'blogging,' I can now hone my skills as a writer even more as I can write as many articles on sports as I want. The only thing is I have to update my blog all the time. I now I have two blogs in the net and keeping each blog updated is not an easy task. But I'm having fun with it, actually. Aside from this blog, I'm also blogging for's Fan Voice where NBA fans can now interact with other NBA fans from all over the world. So far, I'm the only fan representing the Philippines. You can view my NBA Fan Voice blog here or just click the link on the side bar of my blogsite.

The truth is, the only person I wanna thank is Mr. Quinito Henson for making me realize the potential that I have in me as a writer. If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't have this kind of passion for sports and I wouldn't be writing this blog at all. Honestly, I really wish I could be his apprentice anyhow (if there's such a thing for writers, that is). I just hope to meet him again one of these days.

And if that opportunity does indeed come, I'll introduce myself again and simply say "thank you" for inspiring me and bringing out the sports writer in me.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Blogging on is really cool.

Yup yup! No joke. I do have a blog on It's really fun to be getting in touch with a lot of Basketball from all over the world. I named my blog "Air Tsinelas: A Pinoy Basketball Fan's Blog." Since I represent the Philippines, I might as well make it relevant to basketball and to Filipino culture. The reason I chose that title is that street basketball is very much common here.

You'll see a lot of makeshift basketball courts in every street corner. Manila is just one of the cities full of these makeshift basketball courts here in my beloved country. For us here, If you can't find a place to play ball on, make one.

What street basketball is like in the Philippines. Ballers playing in their 'tsinelas.'

As for the word 'tsinelas,' it's a actually Filipino word for rubber slippers/sandals. Because most of us Filipino ballers play streetball with only our tsinelas. Adding the word "air" is somewhat our mocked up local version of the Air Jordans for it's comfort and is very lightweight. And best thing is that it's cheaper! Havianas sandals weren't available back then and only local brands like "Spartan" and "Islander" tsinelas were the most popular in the market at the time.

Now that the Air Tsinelas Blog is born, I got some comments from two of the blogs I have posted there. It's a good sign that my blog is being recognized. And that is really cool! I look forward to getting more comments from my Air Tsinelas Blog.

How cool is it to interact with NBA fans from around the globe. Thanks to for this cool idea in their website. Pinoy NBA fans can create discussions and write blogs about their favorite team and what have yous. The Philippines is definitely Basketball Country and I hope there more Pinoy hoops fans out there who want to voices to be heard.

It's time for us Pinoys to represent! Go Pinoy!!!

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Can Pacquiao take the Lightweight title from Diaz?

Will Manny "Pacman" Pacquiao make history and score
a win over David Diaz? We'll all find out on June 29.

I'm not really a fan of boxing but I've been following Manny Pacquiao's career lately. He's making waves having defeated top Mexican boxing icons like Marco Antonio Barrera, Erik Morales and Juan Manuel Marquez under his belt. He's got three titles, now he's going for four. He made history as the first Asian fighter to three World titles from three different weight classes. Can he make history yet again?

His much anticipated fight with David Diaz is just a week away. Boxing pundits debate who's gonna emerge victorious Pacquiao/Diaz fight card. Pacquiao's in a new territory now and it's going to be a challenge for Pacman if he can handle an opponent in the Lightweight Division. It's like a small fish swimming in an ocean full of sharks. That's just my way of putting it.

Another thing Pacman has to keep in mind is that he's fighting an opponent who's also a Southpaw. How can left-handed fighter counter another left-handed fighter? I'm not really an expert when it comes to boxing but he has to work on using his right hand. He's at a disadvantage. It's a huge transition for him from Super Featherweight to Lightweight. Being a little heavier could slow him down. But if his speed not a problem for Pacquiao or for Trainer Freddie Roach, then this is going to be a good fight to look forward to. He may still have an advantage after all. I'm just wondering how Manny's gonna pack a punch now that he's a Lightweight.

Seems like he's more comfortable training at a higher weight class. From the looks of it, he's actually quite confident that he could beat David Diaz in the fight. Diaz feels the same way. Both these fighters are training hard as the fight looms closer. Even Freddie Roach is confident Pacman can win against Diaz.

The world be watching yet again. The question remains whether Manny Pacquiao will make history or David Diaz keep his title and hand Pacman his first loss as a Lightweight. Those questions will be answered on June 29.

For sure, the Filipino people will be behind Manny Pacquiao all the way and I'll be rooting for him once more. Mabuhay ang PILIPINAS!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Agent Zero visits Manila this July

Washington Wizards guard Gilbert Arenas is coming to Manila
(Ned Dishman/NBAE/Getty Images)

That's right. Agent Zero is indeed coming for a 3-day visit in Manila dubbed as "Agent Zero: The Gilbert Arenas Asia Tour 2008." from July 5-7. This event is sponsored by Adidas. The Washington Wizards guard is also an Adidas endorser and his new line of GilIIZero kicks have already dropped in selected Adidas stores in Metro Manila.

Here's a rundown of what's gonna happen during his 3-day visit in the country:

July 5, Saturday

6:00 PM - Press Conference

July 6, Sunday

11:00 AM - Mall of Asia Store Visit
2:00 PM - Rockwell Store Visit
4:00 PM - UAAP Visit (Ateneo vs. La Salle game)
6:00 PM - Trinoma Statement Show w/ Store Visit

July 7, Monday

8:00 PM - Farewell Party

For more details on how to join the Agent Zero Tour promo, visit the participating Adidas stores to get a chance of winning an autographed Gilbert Arenas jersey and meeting Agent Zero in person.

2008 Finals MVP is "The Truth"

Hard work does pay off . Paul Pierce earns his Finals MVP trophy
(Garrett Ellwood/NBAE/Getty Images)

Look who's on top of the world now? Paul Pierce silenced his critics and won his first ever NBA Championship. 10 years of playing for the Celtics has finally paid off. His hard work and effort was rewarded with a Finals MVP trophy. The Celtics' captain truly deserves the award.

He was a part of the biggest turnaround for the Celtics. Rumors of being traded in the beginning of the 2008 season wasn't new for "The Truth" after finishing with only 24 wins last season. He knew it was coming and who can blame him. Until all of that changed.

Celtics Executive Director of Basketball Operations Danny Ainge finally rewarded Pierce's loyalty to the ball club as he pulled off blockbuster deals to get Kevin Garnett from the Timberwolves and Ray Allen from the Sonics. It was an effort to help P-Double get his confidence back and get a crack at possibly winning a championship. The Celtics were now transformed into a championship caliber team. Ainge made all the right moves to keep his loyal warrior happy.

Celtics fans now have a reason to rejoice. There's a new Big 3 in Beantown.

Paul Pierce worked hard in leading his team in finishing with 66 wins in the regular season. He can now forget his woeful 24 win last season. He and his team are the number one team in the NBA. Pierce was glad to be back in playoff contention.

Being the number one seed in the playoffs will test the resiliency of his team. Pierce had to work extra hard and win every game in the post season. The young Atlanta Hawks were the first team to challenge the Celtics' toughness. Playing for 7 games in the first round of the playoffs wasn't easy. Then King James and Cavaliers came along and took his C's to 7 games yet again in the 2nd round.

This time, it was the defensive minded Detroit Pistons' turn to challenge the mighty Celtics to determine which team was deserving to go to the finals. Pierce's sheer will and determination easily fended off the Pistons to a earn a spot in the NBA Finals. The Celtics were definietely back!

The much anticipated match-up of Paul Pierce and Kobe Bryant was all the hype. It was the moment of "truth" for P-Double. The Celtics waited 22 years to get back in the finals. Pierce wasn't about to disappoint the Celtics fans.

Showing toughness and resiliency, Pierce made a dramatic comeback after spraining his right know in Game 1 of the NBA Finals. "The Truth" wasn't going away that easily. Many questioned his injury but he was focused more on winning that ring he so wanted. He didn't want all the criticize him and let his game do the talking.

He did just that. Game 6 of the NBA Finals was the highlight of his career. Averaging 19.7 points in the post season, Pierce finished with 33 points and was named 2008 NBA Finals MVP.

A well-deserved award for Pierce. The past is behind him. He's now riding high with his newly won NBA Championship. In Game 4, he said "I'm just waiting to exhale." He can now breathe a sigh of relief.

And that's "The Truth," indeed.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

A dream come true for "The Big Ticket"

KG and NBA Legend Bill Russell poses with the Larry O' Brien trophy
(Nathaniel S. Butler/NBAE/Getty Images)

Before the 2008 NBA Season began, there was a lot of talk on Kevin Garnett wanting to be out of Minnesota. Being frustrated and unhappy of the moves the Timberwolves management has been making. Having played for the team that drafted him in 1995 for 12 seasons, he simply got fed up.

Timberwolves' President of Basketball Operations Kevin Mchale, a former Celtic, couldn't do anything to keep KG in Minnesota. He decided to make him happy. The Kevin Garnett era has finally ended for the T'wolves. He was finally dealt with the Boston Celtics in blockbuster deal. A new journey was set for Garnett.

What the Timberwolves lost, is a huge gain for the C's. Kevin Garnett became a Celtic. He came on board after getting sweet shooter Ray Allen in another blockbuster deal with Seattle. Donning jersey number 5 in his new Celtics uniform, it was a sign change for Garnett that he has moved on from his frustration in Minnesota. He came in at the right place, at the right time.

As soon as he became a Celtic, Kevin Garnett, Ray Allen and Paul Pierce went on a duck boat tour of Boston with coach Doc Rivers. KG didn't realize that that tour would help motivate the Big 3 in winning a championship for the 2008 season. That boat ride was indeed a great idea for motivation. And coach Rivers was right all along.

Thus began a new chapter in his basketball career that would soon change his life.

After 66 wins in the regular season, He and his Celtics were the number one team in the L. Securing the top seed in the playoffs. The Atlanta Hawks gave a run for his money and took his C's to the limit in a hard fought win to move on to the second round in Game 7. KG has finally tasted the second round of the playoffs for the first time. Something that he wasn't able to do back in Minnesota. But his job wasn't done yet.

LeBron James had other things in mind. He wasn't about to let KG and the Celtics get a crack at facing the Detroit Pistons in the Eastern Conference Championship that easily. King James wanted another shot at the finals again. The Cavs challenged the Celtics' toughness but in the end it was the hungrier team that won the battle and went on to the Conference Finals. KG was now close to earning his first NBA title since leaving Minnesota.

Facing the Detroit Pistons didn't pose much of a problem for the Celtics. Garnett and Co. almost single-handedly defeated the Pistons to renew a rivalry with the Los Angeles Lakers in the Finals. Garnett and the Celtics were just four wins away from capturing the NBA Championship. Kobe Bryant and the Lakers were the only ones standing in the way of earning the Celtics 17th title in 22 years.

"The Big Ticket" wasn't going to let himself up after he and his team had worked hard for. It was going to be a battle of epic proportions. A cliche that would set the stage for another Celtics-Lakers rivalry and a classic for the ages. And KG didn't disappoint.

The smoke has already cleared at the TD Banknorth Garden in Boston, the NBA was now painted in green in 2008. Finally, the Celtics vanquished Lakers to capture their 17th Championship in 22 years and a first for Garnett. He dreamed of this moment for so long. The kid from Chicago has finally done it. NBA Legend Bill Russell couldn't be more proud of him.

Kevin Garnett celebrates with NBA Legend Bill Russell
(Nathaniel S. Butler/NBAE/Getty Images)

The 11-time champion for the Celtics mentioned in his one-on-one interview with Garnett that he will share on of his rings to Garnett even he didn't bring home a championship in Boston. A sigh of relief for Bill Russell he didn't have give one of his 11 rings to KG, he already got one.

"I got my own. I got my own. "as Garnett hugged the NBA Legend in celebration.

Sitting down for an interview and rubbing elbows with NBA Legend Bill Russell was a great experience. Celebrating his hard earned championship with Russell was even better.

A great fulfillment for a player who has done it all and lead his team in a great championship run. Winning his DOY (Defensive Player of the Year) in the regular season was even sweeter now that he has a championship ring top go with it. Kevin Garnett will now look forward to another duck boat tour. But it won't be for another motivational tour. This time, he'll be enjoying his boat ride and celebrating .

Celtics torch Lakers clinching their 17th 'chip in Beantown

Garnett, Allen and Pierce celebrate their championship
(Nathaniel S. Butler/NBAE/Getty Images)

The power is back in the East as the Celtics claim their 17th NBA title with a 131-92 demolition job over the Lakers. Celtics fans knew this was coming and so did Kobe Bryant. As for the C's Big 3, winning the championship was finally a reality.

Kevin Garnett, Ray Allen and Paul Pierce didn't disappoint. From a team with only 24 wins last season transformed into champions in 2008. And what a year it was for Pierce. Playing for 10 seasons with the Celtics, Pierce was at a crossroads ended up being trade bait at the start of the 2008 season. Then KG and Ray Ray came along. Things were looking up for Paul Pierce and that was the beginning of their road to their NBA Championship. And the rest was history.

The support from their fans were overwhelming chants of "Beat LA" were all over the TD Banknorth Garden. It was like the old days for many Celtics fans. Taunts from the rowdy Celtics crowd somehow got into the heads of the Lakers. It proved to be costly for the Lake show.

Bryant was held to 3 measly points in the 2nd quarter, all of which were from the free throw line. His efforts were in vain as he finished with 22 points. Kobe was definitely seeing green everywhere.

When the lead was 58-35, the Celtics never looked back and toyed with the Lakers in the 2nd half. The Big 3 were all in double figures. Kevin Garnett racked up 26 points and 16 boards, Ray Allen also had 26 points and made a record setting 22 3-pointers in NBA Finals finals history and Paul Pierce exploded with 33 points that earned him the Finals MVP trophy. The Celtics dominated every step of the way. Not even Kobe could stop the C's scoring rampage.

Celtics guard Rajon Rondo defense was the one that sparked the scoring run as he made key steals in the 1st quarter. He scored a career high of 21 points, 6 steals and dropped 8 dimes. The rest of the team followed. The Celtics bench started contributing. James Posey lead the bench scoring with 11 points and was 3-3 from beyond the arc. Eddie House added 9 points while Leon Powe and Veteran PJ Brown chipped in 8 and 6 points respectively.

Defense does win championships after all.

Rookie forward Glen "Big Baby" Davis made his first NBA Finals appearance scored 3 points and 4 rebounds. Tony Allen scored his only bucket in the when he made a reverse two-handed dunk in transition late in the closing minutes of the game.

The Celtics defense were all over Bryant. So was Pau Gasol despite chalking up 11 points in the game. Whether Kobe was gonna drive into the lane or pull-up a shot, 2 or 3 Celtic defenders were right in front of him. Things looked bleak for the guys in purple and gold.

The Lakers never won single game in Boston during the finals. Their chances of making history by climbing back from a 3-1 deficit in the finals series will remain a pipe dream.

The Celtics have another historical moment with their 39 point win surpassed the NBA record of the largest margin of victory in a championship clincher since the 1965 NBA Finals. Ironically, It was in that same year of the NBA Finals, the Celtics won 129-96 over the Lakers in Game 5.

The celebration already started when Doc Rivers pulled the big 3 back in the bench with 4:01 left in the 4th quarter for a well deserved rest letting the Celtics reserves finish the rest of the game. Paul Pierce was hugging coach Rivers in sideline. KG was very emotional walking back to bench so did Ray Allen. Pierce doused Rivers with a cooler of red Gatorade on him with only a minute left in the game sensing the NBA title is already at hand.

Kobe Bryant could only sit back and watch as his team was schooled by the Celtics bench mob. The rest of Lakers have long faces from the sideline just waiting for the final horn to sound. Phil Jackson's attempt of winning 10 championships will perhaps have to wait another year. They have a lot to ponder on during the summer break. The only consolation Kobe has is his regular season MVP trophy. All their efforts where just thrown out of the window and hopefully make new start next season.

When the horn has sounded, the celebration was now in full force. After his interview with ABC reporter Michelle Tafoya, Kevin Garnett gave NBA Hall of Famer Bill Russell, who was in attendance, a great big hug and said "I got my own. I got my own. I hope we made you proud."

"You sure did," Russell replied. It was a Kodak moment indeed for KG.

Paul Pierce is in cloud 9 right now. Who can blame him? He truly deserves it and was rewarded gratefully for his hard work as the Finals MVP. The Celtics' Executive Director of Basketball Operations Danny Ainge couldn't be more happier. He was the one who pulled off the blockbuster deals of getting Garnett from Minnesota and Ray Allen from Seattle.

It was like a fairy tale ending in Beantown. After their grueling playoff run against the Atlanta Hawks and the Cleveland Cavaliers in the East, took them to the limit in a couple of Game 7's. The C's long journey to win the NBA Championship was indeed a fruitful one and the new generation Big 3 has lived up to the hype and delivered. When it was all said and done, the Celtics are now sitting on top of the world.

Celtics gun for 17th 'chip in Game 6

Tip-off will begin a couple of hours from now as the rivalry of the Boston Celtics and the Los Angeles Lakers heat up, in what could be, the last 48 minutes of the 2008 NBA Finals. There's no love lost between these two teams. No doubt about it.

Paul Pierce and company are ready to take on the Lakers and they expect both Ray Allen and Kendrick Perkins to start for this important game. They must play consistent basketball to clinch their 17 title and finally put away Kobe Bryant's Lakers. Celtics fans expect no less from the Big 3. They shouldn't let up on a team that's willing to take advantage of every mistake they make.

Kevin Garnett is looking forward to playing better and make up for his sluggish performance in Game 5. Keeping KG from foul trouble is a great concern for coach Doc Rivers. He has to make adjustments in committing less turnovers, pulling down a lot of rebounds and creating second chance opportunities for his team.

Even the Lakers are all set in improving their game as well, if they want to extend the series to Game 7. Give credit to the Lakers' supporting cast in providing much needed help for Bryant. They played better team basketball than the Celtics did in L.A. Coach Phil Jackson looks to motivate his team to equalizing the series. On the other hand, they will have to pack up for training camp a little sooner.

The Celtics will be fired up as Game 6 starts. Expect a lot of hostility from rowdy Celtics fans as the Lakers try to steal a win at the TD Banknorth Garden in Boston. It's do or die for both teams. Everything is at stake.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Championship or Bust for C's

The Celtics would certainly want to forget about their terrible loss in L.A. that should've clinched their 17th NBA title in 22 years. Now, the series shifts back in Boston and stage is set whether the C's will try to capitalize and win it all or let the Lake show take over and spoil their party yet again.

Everything is at stake for both teams. For the Lakers, a win would equalize the series and extend for a Game 7. The Celtics on the other hand, will try to silence their critics and make sure the Larry O' Brien trophy comes home to Boston. Game 6 will be an all important game and neither Boston or L.A. are taking things lightly.

Just ask Kevin Garnett. "Played like garbage" as he would describe his performance in Game 5. Kendrick Perkins could only watch his team from the sidelines as he couldn't do anything to help KG and the rest of the Celtics. Pau Gasol took advantage of it in every way. Sending KG in foul trouble early in 1st quarter of Game 5 gave a huge boost for the Lakers.

It will be a game time decision however for Perk if he's gonna play in Game 6. Ray Allen is ready to play for their huge game in Boston. Allen left the Staples Center right after the game due to a health issue with one of his children. They need his shooting touch to add some firepower to the Celtics offense. Coach Doc Rivers is confident Ray Ray will be playing in Game 6.

At least, that's good news for Paul Pierce. He intends to do whatever it takes to get that ring he so wanted. An NBA Finals MVP candidate, he still managed to score 38 points in a losing effort to Lakers. Pierce should motivate his team mates to be more aggressive not just on the offensive but also defensively.

Rebounding is also another concern coach Rivers. Having Leon Powe to start for Perkins didn't do any good for the Celtics. Veteran forward PJ Brown got extended minutes for his rebounding duties despite being in foul trouble like Garnett. They really need another reserve forward Glen "Big Baby" Davis to step up to the plate in case Perk is not in the rotation. Davis has yet to make an appearance in the championship series.

Still playing with a sprained ankle, Rajon Rondo needs to step up as well despite racking up 16 points in Game 5. They need his quickness to penetrate the Laker defense to create some shots for his team mates.

The Celtics must prevent Kobe Bryant from going one-on-one and get aggressive in the paint. They didn't double or triple team him everytime he drove to the basket. Going back to their usual 2-3 or 3-2 zone should be a good adjustment on the Celtics defense. It should take away the ball movement and the set up of passing lanes in Lakers' triangle offense.

Good ball movement will give the Celtics easy opportunities to score and make runs. The Big 3 must keep themselves out of foul trouble and get their scoring rhythm flowing. Creating second chance opportunities should keep the Celtics offense going. The supporting cast must make an impact that's why they have James Posey and Eddie House to rack up 3-pointers in the clutch.

This is the chance for Garnett, Pierce and Allen to finally earn their championship all season long. Being back in Boston could very well be an advantage for them. They shouldn't let the opportunity slip away again especially on their home floor. expectations will be high and the pressure is definitely on the Celtics. The Lakers will have to steal a win at the parquet in front of a hostile Boston crowd and perhaps upset the opposition.

For 48 minutes, these two teams will endure a physical battle come tip-off in Game 6. A game that could very well be a classic. Emotions will be high, the crowd will be rowdy and loud. Both teams are hungry to win. In the end, when the smoke is cleared, there can only be one.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Celtics played like CRAP!!!

Woke up early on Monday morning feeling confident my Celtics will finally vanquish the Lakers and take the Larry O' Brien trophy back to the East. I was supposed to go to The National Sports Grill in Greenbelt 3 to watch the game and rock my Adidas Celtics Green Garnett Swingman jersey. I got bored so just stayed at home and watched it right in my living room.

Strong start for the Lakers as expected. Kobe getting in the lane racking up points in the paint and shoot some 3 pointers. I wasn't surprised at that. I knew he was gonna be a huge factor all throughout the game. What killed the Celtics was KG getting into foul trouble in the first quarter. Worse, he was on the floor for about a minute and KG was called for a foul guarding Pau Gasol. He had to be replaced by PJ Brown in the game. That 39-22 scoreboard in the first half reminded me of game 4. I figured the C's are still alright despite the Big 3 now getting into foul trouble.

It was disappointing of course seeing the Lakers outhustling my C's. Rebounding was terrible for the Celtics and that's where they needed Perk in the game. He was a huge loss for them.

fast forward to 3rd quarter, the Celtics made some runs but Paul Pierce made a lot of trips in free throw line. KG came back in, he went to the free throw line a couple of times but a two shots in his last trip to the line. Surprisingly, Sam-I-am played a lot of minutes taking advantage of his mismatch against Jordan Farmar. They were able to close in on the Lakers in the 3rd quarter.

Again it was Kobe Bryant that set the pace for the Lakers scoring in transition and making his free throws whenever he went to the line. The Celtics were making too many turnovers and the young Lakers took advantage of them. James Posey didn't do too much for the Celtics and was inefficient.

Time was running out for C's. They've been making a lot unforced errors especially in the crucial minutes of the game. What made the Celtics suck was they played loosely, didn't take care each of their possessions and convert when they needed it! They played terrible in the offensive end. It was a huge mistake for them to switch to 1-2-2 zone on the Lakers. They let Kobe isolate and easily break down their defense. They simply made him go one-on-one instead of challenging his like they did in Game 4.

Then 39 seconds remaining in the fourth, Mamba made a steal on P-Double and made a thunderous two-handed dunk out of that defensive play. Another stupid play for the Celtics not playing good basketball for 48 minutes. Kobe played like an MVP and made my Celtics play like poop stains. It was ugly! I was absolutely disgusted! They let themselves get overwhelmed by their rivals and faded into obscurity. Played loose on both ends of the floor. It didn't look like the Celtics were playing for a championship! That's just crap! I'm just glad I didn't go to the viewing party at The National Sports Grill. It saved me from sheer embarrassment.

When the horn sounded after the game, I didn't bother watching the interview on Kobe. What's the point?! I couldn't stand watching him after he made thrash out of the Celtics. Of course, it's a huge momentum build up for the Lakers when they visit Boston in two days. What the Celtics can do is forget about their Game 5 loss and focus on the championship at hand.

I can only hope the Celtics will use that loss to fire them up like the Lakers did in Game 5. And I thought my prediction on the Celtics winning in Game 6 is not gonna happen as I figured it would end on Game 5. Guess I was wrong. I shouldn't have abandoned my prediction. My bad. I'm sticking to guns again. Celtics in 6 baby!!!

A woeful game for Celtics' Big 3

Their 17th championship was within reach for the Celtics, they could almost taste it. Their dreams would finally come true with balloons and confetti falling from the rafters and all. Then the young Lakers burst their bubble and crashed the party. Despite being in double figures, Ray Allen only 4-for-13 from the field. And he wasn't the only one who had a bad night. Foul trouble kept Kevin Garnett out of his game thanks to Pau Gasol and Paul Pierce's MVP like numbers wasn't enough to lift his team.

Chalking up with 38 points, 6 rebounds and 8 dimes Pierce needs to do a better job in Game 6 which is going to be back in Boston to finally seal the deal. The Celtics starting guard Rajon was a non factor Game 5 even though he was in double figures. It looked like the C's were not on the same page they were overwhelmed by the Lakers offensive and defensive brilliance.

Losing one post-up guy and rebounder for the Celtics proved to be a huge one. Coach Doc Rivers had to rely mostly on Veteran PJ Brown picking up the slack in the center position for Garnett who was hampered with foul trouble. Speaking of Veterans, Sam Cassell saw action in game 5 contributed 9 points for the Celtics.

The Celtics were simply out of sync. It was their worst game in the series. They just weren't aggressive enough on the offensive end. Outrebounded and outplayed played by the Lakers throughout the game. There wasn't enough blocking out for rebounds and that hurt them a lot. Kobe and the gang took advantage of every unforced error of the Celtics and converted points out of those turnovers.

The big steal by Kobe Bryant on Paul Pierce with 39 ticks in the 4th quarter is something P-Double will have to forget. Their defense was broken down easily. Switching their zone defense form 2-3 or sometimes 3-2 to a 1-2-2 zone giving Mamba an edge in that predicament making him go one-on-one with Ray Ray or P-Double. That defensive switch proved to be costly for coach Rivers.

No champagne bottles popping for C's at the moment. The Celebration will have to wait another day and go back to Boston to finally finish off the pesky Lakers. The Celtics have to be more focused if they want that Larry O' Brien Trophy back in Beantown and make that 17th championship in 22 years a reality.

Lakers get redemption on C's

In what seemed to be the last game of the Lakers at the Staples Center, the Celtics found themselves lying flat on their backs as Kobe and Company played inspired basketball in front of their home crowd. Wearing their white alternate home jerseys, The Lakers proved to be resilient and never gave up a fight with a 103-98 victory over the mighty Celtics.

With that in mind, the series will now shift to Boston and the Lakers will have to steal a couple of wins at the Celtics' home court.

The Lakers started out strong leading 39-22 in the first quarter. Kobe Bryant played like an MVP racking up 25 points and Lamar Odom chipped in 20 points as the Lakers were able to keep the C's in winning their 17th championship in their home floor. Mamba was right after all, it wasn't over yet.

Much like in Game 4, the Celtics wouldn't go away. They kept the game close as possible despite a few Celtics players in foul trouble.

The Celtics Big 3 were shut down and were all in foul trouble. Kevin Garnett was forced to sit out most of the 2nd quarter after picking up 3 fouls early in the game. The Lakers made defensive adjustments keeping Ray Allen in check and Paul Pierce's shots were challenged whenever he drove to the basket or took jump shots. Despite all that, Pierce scored 38 points to keep themselves in contention with the Lakers scoring onslaught. Kevin Garnett chalked up 13 points while Ray Allen scored 16 points.

Rajon Rondo had 16 points but did not return late in the second half. Veteran guard Sam Cassell picked up the slack for Rondo and got extended minutes as he contributed 9 points. As Expected, Kendrick Perkins did not play due to his shoulder injury which he endured in Game 4. Tony Allen made his first appearance in the finals as he scored 6 points for the Celtics. Eddie House also had 6 points, made a clutch 3-pointer the could've kept the game close with only 15 ticks in the 4th quarter.

Pau Gasol and Derek Fisher were in double figures for the Lakers chipping in 19 and 15 points respectively. Gasol was a huge factor shutting down Kevin Garnett on the defensive end. Jordan Farmar sparked the Lakers' offense yet again racking up 11 points. But it was Kobe's big steal on Pierce and the two-handed dunk in the break was the exclamation point.

In the end, the most motivated and inspired team won the game. That's what coach Phil Jackson had in mind. He somewhat spoiled what could've been a title clinching victory for the Celtics. It was indeed an encore performance for the Lake show.

The Celtics must now wrap up the series at the TD Banknorth Garden in Boston and win it all in Game 6. Doc Rivers will have to make adjustments as his team is one player short in their line-up. Perkins was a big loss for the C's in terms of rebounding and added post presence. The Celtics are 12-1 at home in the post season. No road team has won the last 2 games in an NBA Finals series since the 2-3-2 format was adapted in 1985.

Clock is ticking for the Lake Show

A couple of hours from now will perhaps be the last battle of the L.A. Lakers against the Boston Celtics in Game 5 of the NBA Finals at the Staples Center. The Celtics leads the series 3-1 and no team in NBA Finals history has come back from such a huge deficit. Staying alive in the series is the only option Kobe and company have on their minds. Even Lakers coach Phil Jackson is hoping for the same outcome. As for the Celtics, 48 minutes is the only time they have in finally vanquishing their rivals and claiming their 17th championship in 22 years. It's that close they could taste it. All they have to do is keep Kobe from getting a crack at his scoring rhythm for the whole game or else the celebration will come a little later than expected.

Mentally Ready

The Lakers skipped practice after viewing their game 4 loss. The Zen Master figured it was a good idea to give them (the players) a good rest to prepare for Game 5. He (Phil Jackson) feels the series is far from over, yet winning the whole series after being down 1-3 prove to be inevitable. Even Kobe's confident that he and his team have moved on from the terrible loss will have a high energy level of game come tip-off. They must play inspired basketball for the whole game if they want redemption.

2-3-2 Format

Since the adaptation of the 2-3-2 format in 1985, the Lakers chances of getting redemption and upsetting the mighty Celtics is pretty much slim. Even if they do pull off that crucial win, the next two games will be in Boston. No road team has ever won the last 2 games of the series since the new format was established. The only consolation for Kobe and the gang is to win Game 5 at least and redeem themselves in their home court.

The Kobe Factor

Mamba needs to step up his game another level if he wants to at least avenge their game 4 loss to the Celtics. A not so MVP performance scored only 17 points in game 4 and his team mates were a non-factor in the last stretch. The rest of the Lakers panicked when their 24 point lead was virtually erased after the Celtics run was sparked by the offensive plays of Ray Allen breaking down the Lakers' defense, James Posey's Clutch 3 pointers in the 4th quarter. But it was Paul Pierce strong defense on Kobe that created a huge turmoil in the Lakers offense. Kobe has to break the C's defense and hope that every shot he makes would go in.

Bench Mob

Jordan Farmar and Trevor Ariza created a spark for the Lakers in the first of game 4 and that what team needs to force a Game 6 in Boston. Sasha Vujacic must take every shot and with confidence. Getting a shooting rhythm out of three pointers for him would boost the Lakers' offense. He's a deadly shooter from the outside and that's what Celtics are keeping an eye on.

Shut down Big 3

The Lakers were able to control Kevin Garnett forcing him to take jump shots instead of posting up in the paint and score. Give credit to Pau Gasol for giving KG a hard time making high percentage shots. Another key for the Lakers' defense in game 4 was not giving Paul Pierce easy looks at the basket, challenging his shots and making him earn his points from the free throw line. That would be the key in staying alive in Game 5.

Be Aggressive

Lamar Odom and Pau Gasol must be aggressive whenever they have the ball. If Kobe can't score, these guys must step up. Pau Gasol was able to control Garnett in the post thus increasing his points production in the paint. Odom should keep his aggressive play every time he penetrates the Celtic defense. As long they have a strong start keep playing that way for 48 minutes in Game 5, it give a lot of pressure for Boston.

Kobe's Leadership

It's now up to Kobe to lead his team and boost their confidence. He must now put up MVP numbers and have his team mates work with him. His motivation can help his team contribute in a must win situation. His much needed help in the 4th quarter came in a little too late. He must be able to start the scoring run and hope the Celtics can't keep up.

It's Do or Die

One thing's for sure, Game 5 is a must win for the Lakers or it's time to pack for summer training camp. The confidence level will be high as tip-off is just less than an hour away. The home crowd will have to be a high level as well. It's going to be emotional, it's going to be loud at the Staples Center. Every time a Celtic touches the ball, expect loud boos from the Laker fans. It will be just like the old times. Jack Nicholson will have to do better at cheering his Lakers. if all else fails, Kobe and the gang will have a lot to ponder on once summer training camp starts.