
Wednesday, February 4, 2009

More blogging madness... Oh My!!

Greetings fellow sports bloggers. Things have been very rocky for me in the past few days. Losing your internet connection for a week can be a total bummer. Not being able to blog and stuff. It sucks, I know. Anyways, this 2009 a lot has been going on for me. Having 1000+ visits in this here blogsite y'all are reading (Yippie!!!), I thank those from all over the world who took some time to peep at my stuff here. I'm doing my best to update my sports diary. I'm happy to be getting some good feedback here which makes me even more pumped up to blog more about sports. I'm hoping more people would check out my blog.

Last January, I've created a new blogsite about my love for sneakers and the like entitled Air Tsinelas. Since I'm into kicks and stuff, I decided to make that blogsite. It's something I've always wanted to. It's somewhat my "pet project" of sorts. In the same month, I was invited to contribute my NBA related stuff for another sports blogsite. Of course, I accepted the invitation and I think it's cool to be writing stuff for somebody else's blog. My thanks to YB (he's the owner of EC) for the invite.

From now on, I'll be doing some of my NBA write-ups for Exquisite Courts. It's a new blogsite that features a lot of NBA related articles quite similar to the now popular Hibachi 2.0 blogsite. I'm just a contributor there for EC as this here blog of mine is still my top priority. I'll try to do synchronized posts for EC and The Sports Diary Online. Now that I'm writing in 3 blogsites (other than being a freelance writer and all), things are gonna get even crazier trying to update all 3 blogs at the same time. I'm hoping it doesn't take the wind out of me.

Since I'm looking for a more stable job at the moment, I'm gonna try to update the blogs as much as I can. As soon as I get a job (which I'm in dire need of one), my blog posts will be limited, although I'll try to keep up to date with sports news and stuff. Well, here's to hoping that all things go well for me and that I'll be able to keep up with my fellow bloggers online.

Laters for now folks. Oh and yeah, I knew the Pittsburgh Steelers would win the Super Bowl. ^_^


  1. Yeh, definitely I agree with Yardbird. Guys, here's the deal with EQ: I read it, but I don't comment for personal reasons. Just know that I read it, OK?

  2. I just saw Art Of War on Exquisite Courts. Do I get the tip for that one?

  3. Really? I haven't checked EC in a while. I'm not sure though. I think you need to get some sort of credit if ever. Give a holla at YB dude. I'm sure he'll give you some love. :D

  4. Ahaha sorry Moose, I forgot to give you credit for the dime on that one!

    Shiit man, i'll throw up the cred now
