
Sunday, July 19, 2009

Dwyane Wade wants to be Jordan'd out. Literally.

Jumpman: Dwyane Wade trades his Cons for J's.
(NBAE/Getty Images)

The shoe game is ever changing these days. As I was browsing the net for some sports news, I stumbled upon something interesting -- and perhaps newsworthy for sneakerheads out there -- including myself. D-Wade finally jumps ship -- to a shoe brand, that is. I must admit though, it's a good move for him to make the switch.

The Miami Heat guard shares his thoughts on the move:

"When I came into the NBA, I didn't have a lot of exposure and Converse gave me an opportunity to head a brand and be the face of a brand," Wade told The Associated Press. "I'm really thankful for six long, good years. I've gotten five shoes out of the deal and my dream came true at the Converse brand, because they put my name on a pair of sneakers."

Still, the lure of the Jordan brand -- a 12-year-old division of Nike, which also owns Converse -- was too much for Wade to ignore.

Wade told The AP he inquired about switching allegiances from Converse to Jordan's brand before the 2008 Beijing Olympics, doing so in part about concern over Converse's long-term viability in the basketball marketplace.

The 2008 request was declined, but earlier this month, Wade said he was "almost positive" a switch would happen sometime before the season. Less than two weeks later, the deal was done.

"It did come sort of fast. It wasn't anything we planned," Wade said. "But it's a good thing. Now we can plan for the season."

Well, there you have it ladies and germs -- it's official now. Wade will be rocking J's next season. Spread the word. I'm sure Money (Michael Jordan) is absolutely thrilled to have D-Wade in his stable of Jumpmen like Melo, CP3, Rip and Sugar Ray, just to name a few.

In retrospect, he only had 1 Converse sig worth noting. I'm talking about his Wade 1's which are totally sleek and clean. The simplicity of the design was dope. The rest of the kicks that followed were just wack. The last shoe that came out, the Wade 4, was downright ugly. No wonder he dropped the 4's so he could rock his 1's again in the middle of the 08-09 NBA season.

With Wade's addition, JB better give him a signature shoe (please make it happen). While waiting for his own sig to come out, it would be dope to see him rock J's in Heat colorways. The only drawback is, his shoes won't be sold at a cheap price tag.

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