
Saturday, August 25, 2012

Ready for the Clear Dream Match?

Brother vs. Brother: Phil and James Younghusband form their own teams to find out who's better.
(Photo by Roy Afable)

To those who haven't heard about it, brothers Phil and James Younghusband of the Philippine Azkals put up a charity football event this Saturday, August 25 at the University of Makati football field. The said event was announced last month and interestingly, it' actually a brother versus brother kind of match.

Fans got a chance to vote for which of the celebrities for the brothers to draft for their respective team. On draft day a couple of weeks ago, Phil and James got their crew and ready to go at it this Saturday night. You can view the complete roster list of Team Phil and Team James here.

(Photo by Roy Afable)

Are you with Team Phil?
(Photo by Roy Afable)

If y'all got your tickets for the event, here are some of things to keep in mind before going to the game tonight (see image below):

(Image courtesy of Clear Philippines official Facebook page)

With that said, who's side are you on? Which team do you think will win this Dream Match: Team Phil or Team James?

Team Phil
(Photo by Roy Afable)

Team James
(Photo by Roy Afable)

We'll find out tonight who the better Younghusband is. The Clear Dream Match will be aired live on AKTV, by the way.

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